Bluetooth Keyboard vs Wired Keyboard

August 25, 2021

Bluetooth Keyboard vs Wired Keyboard

If you're in the market for a new keyboard, one of the first decisions you'll have to make is whether to go for a Bluetooth keyboard or a wired keyboard. Both options have their pros and cons, so let's break down the differences and help you decide which one is right for you.


The most obvious difference between these two types of keyboard is how they connect to your computer. Wired keyboards connect via a USB cable, while Bluetooth keyboards connect wirelessly via Bluetooth.

Wired keyboards have an advantage in terms of connection stability. Because they're physically connected to your computer, there's no risk of dropouts or lag caused by poor wireless connectivity. With a wired keyboard, your keystrokes will always be registered instantly, making them the best choice for gamers or people who need a high level of accuracy and speed.

Bluetooth keyboards, on the other hand, offer much more flexibility in terms of where you can use them. You don't have to worry about a long, tangled cord or being tethered to your computer. Bluetooth keyboards often have a larger range than wired ones, and you can use them from across the room or even in another room altogether.


Another advantage of Bluetooth keyboards is their convenience. Because there are no cables to deal with, they're much easier to set up and use. You can also use them with multiple devices, switching seamlessly between your phone, tablet, and computer with just the press of a button.

Wired keyboards can be more cumbersome to set up, especially if you have a lot of devices you want to connect to. That being said, they require no batteries or charging, which can be a significant advantage.

Typing Experience

When it comes to the typing experience, there's not much difference between a Bluetooth and a wired keyboard. Both types offer a similar feel and responsiveness, and it mainly comes down to personal preference. However, some gamers or typing enthusiasts may prefer a wired keyboard as it offers a more tactile and responsive typing experience.


Finally, there's the cost to consider. In general, Bluetooth keyboards are more expensive than wired keyboards. This is because of the additional technology required to make them wireless. However, the price gap has been steadily decreasing over the years, and you can now find high-quality Bluetooth keyboards at a reasonable price.


Ultimately, the choice between a Bluetooth and a wired keyboard comes down to your personal needs and preferences. If stability and speed are your top priorities, a wired keyboard may be best for you. But if convenience and flexibility are more important, a Bluetooth keyboard may be the way to go.


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